Sunday, June 24, 2012

Raw Vanilla Ice cream

We ate lunch out on Sunday, so we didn't need a big evening meal too.  Therefore, we ate fruit/veggies for dinner and the boys teamed up to make the family a yummy evening dessert!

The recipe is called "Raw" Vanilla ice cream (from The Raw Foods Detox Diet), although technically the maple syrup and vanilla extract are not raw... still, it's pretty close to being an all raw treat!  The recipe actually called for vanilla beans, but we only had extract and it turned out great.

Matt/Dad (Jeff) made the vanilla ice cream and Tay made the chocolate sauce.

Ice Cream:
  • 3 young thai coconuts-- all flesh and some of the water
  • maple syrup (1/2 cup)
  • vanilla (1 TBS)
  • ice (3-4cups)

Blend them all up together until creamy.  After years and years of getting by with a normal blender, we finally broke down a few years ago and purchased a Vita-Mix blender.  SO.WORTH.IT!  We use it multiple times a day to make smoothies, dressings and now desserts!

Chocolate Sauce: (from The Raw Foods Detox Diet also)
6 TBS Organic Cocoa powder
1 cup maple syrup

Blend in a blender.

Use a cleaver to open the coconuts... carefully! 

Tay smiling because it is SO good!

Matt has dished out the ice cream and now Tay pours on the chocolate sauce

Noah had to get in the picture :)


  1. I have not ventured to do much with fresh coconuts but this is enticing. A cup of maple syrup? That has to be good! Love, love, love my Vita-mix! I've visited before and I'm friends with your mom. Your blog is great!

  2. Kathy Marie,
    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I really appreciate your comments.

    Yes, it is a lot of maple syrup and yes it was super yummy! and so was the chocolate sauce.

    The boys outdid themselves!


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