Saturday, June 23, 2012

Matt Meal #1- Whole Wheat Lasagna and Chocolate Shake

So, we've taken a slight deviation of late, in that we have added raw goat's cheese into our food choices.  We won't eat it every day, just occasionally, and I'm finding that it doesn't leave behind symptoms, as cow's cheese does and even soy cheese.  We didn't experience a congestion hang-over, even when this raw cheese is used in a cooked meal.

The ingredients for the lasagna:
  • whole wheat noodles (we would have used sprouted grain or spelt if we could have found them)
  • spinach
  • zuchinni
  • raw goat cheese
  • organice spaghetti sauce
  • garlic

Matt served a salad, lasagna and then finshed off the meal with a chocolate shake, which was made of pure cocoa powder, young thai coconut, stevia, almond milk, vanilla  and ice.  Great way to finish a fantastic meal.

Some ingredients and kitchen tools used in preparation

Matt used a mandelin to thinly slice the zuchinni

Doesn't that look good?

We ate our salads at the table...

Then dug into the lasagna...

Then moved into the living room for a "picnic" while we ate and watched a movie.

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