Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chef Taylor-- Second "Child Chef" meal

Taylor (9) chose some All-American favorites for his first dinner as "Chef".  He made mashed potatoes and gravy, steamed beans and broccoli and salad.  Although his meal took an increased time investment on my part, I believe the ROI will yield great future results!

Taylor did a wonderful job!  I must admit to being nervous about him using sharp knives, but we discussed it all and he was very careful.  He did a great job of  following instructions and juggling multiple tasks.  Check out his notes at the end of this entry.

Before he could begin preparations, the beans and potatoes had to be harvested. (Note to all readers:  kids enjoy harvesting MUCH more when someone is taking their picture! :)

Digging potatoes





Picking green beans

Now the food preparation begins:
Scrubbing/chopping potatoes    Prepping veggies for steaming
Chopping up salads                            Mashing potatoes
Whisking gravy
(we used organic gravy packets
from health food store)
Taylor's Masterpiece!
Recipe for Skins-on, Lumpy, Old-fashioned potatoes:

  • Red new potatoes
  • Soy milk or Soy creamer (the creamer makes them richer- can also use Almond or Rice milk)
  • Butter (yes, one of the few animal products we use is butter- healthier alternative to margarine)
  • Sea salt to taste 

Chop and boil potatoes with skins on.  When done, pour in soy milk or creamer and use masher to mash the potatoes.  Add soy milk while mashing until you reach desired consistency.  Add sea salt to taste.  Top off with a slice of butter to melt on top of each individual serving.

Some thoughts from Taylor:
Taylor's Notes:
My favorite part about it was when I mashed the potatoes and got to taste it. MMMMMMMMMM! I loved the experience of actually being in the kitchen making meals for 4 people. Also I am looking forward to doing it next week, not only having the apron, but also having the paper chef hats from my mom's friend, Jamie.

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