Sunday, February 1, 2015

Roasted Veggies

I was introduced to roasted brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes from a friend (thanks Jerrilyn).  Before that, I had NO IDEA how much I like brussel sprouts!

I googled roasted vegetables and found a plethora of recipes, including all kinds of veggies.  After I made the first batch, roasted veggies have been a regular for dinner.

It is best to roast veggies that have longer cook times on the same sheet and to separate them from those that cook more quickly.  But often in a hurry, I just cut them all up and roast together.

I take left-overs to work the next day and mix them in my salad.

Veggies that take 40-45 min:

  • carrots
  • potatoes
  • sweet potatoes
  • large brussel sprouts
  • onions
  • butternut squash
  • garlic cloves
Veggies that take around 20-30 min or less:
  • small brussel sprouts
  • tomatoes
  • sweet peppers
  • zucchini or yellow squash
  • leeks
  • brocolli & cauliflower
  • mushrooms

  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees
  2. Cut up veggies into small pieces 
  3. Keep the veggies with same cooking times together
  4. Toss them with olive oil, melted butter or coconut butter
  5. Add seasonings (our favorites are sea salt, pepper, thyme, garlic and fresh herbs like rosemary and basil)
  6. Mix altogether
  7. Spread on a baking sheet (use baking paper or non-stick spray)
  8. Roast the veggies, uncovered for 30-45 min, stirring occasionally
  9. Enjoy!!!

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