Sunday, January 4, 2015

Massage Kale salad

Anyone who knows me well (and for many that know me casually) know that I LOVE KALE!

I put it in many things I cook and in smoothies and juice and I've learned some new ways to eat it that are amazing!

One of these is a massaged kale salad.  If you google "massaged kale salad", you will see many recipes, some include mango and pumpkin seeds, some include avocado and craisins.  Whatever else  you include, the base is massaged kale.  My sis-in-law served it to us several years ago in California and we all loved it (thanks Rebecca).

I often just include one or two hard-boiled eggs and it is a very satisfying and filling meal.  I have served it to guests and brought it to an office potluck and there is never any left.

Below is my favorite way to make it:

  • large bunch or two of kale (I've used every variety)
  • cut the leaves off the spine (only use the leaves)
  • drizzle with a bit of olive oil and salt
  • massage until the kale gets soft
  • combine and whisk together 1 or 2 juiced lemons, 1/4 cup olive oil, something to sweeten it (stevia, honey or agave)-- adjust the amounts for your own pallet
  • drizzle dressing over softened kale
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • extras

Noah suggested that we add capers, which turned out to be a great idea.  Experiment!

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