Sunday, August 29, 2010

Indian/Thai Lentil Stew

This was another "made-up" dish that may be an actual recipe somewhere, but this meal was a combination of a bunch of things that sounded good together to me.  It got a 10 out of 10 from the boys!

This meal is very hearty, filling, inexpensive and quick to make.  I sent left-overs in addition to the boys salads for school lunches the following day.  Feeds 3 hungry boys, a Mom IN ADDITION TO leftovers for next day!

  • 1 28oz can of Organic diced or stewed tomatoes
  • 1 can Organic coconut milk (use Light for lower fat content if that is a concern)
  • 2 cups dried organic lentils
  • 1 cup brown rice
  • 3-6 cups of water, depending on your preferred consistency (I start with 3 and add more if needed)
  • Several stalks of diced celery (reserve some raw celery for garnish)
  • 1 diced onion
  • Several diced tomatoes (optional)
  • Sea salt to taste
  • Cumin or Curry to taste
  • Garlic powder or diced garlic to taste
  • Garnish with fresh basil, raw celery and/or corn (only raw celery garnish pictured below)
I dumped everything into a pot, brought it to a boil and turned it down to simmer for 45 min to an hour.  Check water level and stir occasionally.

Once cooked, I served over a bed of raw spinach.  The warm stew softens the spinach to a very nice consistency.  The raw spinach and celery provided enough raw green nourishment that I didn't feel it necessary to serve with a salad. 

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